Accounts Payable: A 2 Edged-Sword

1 Comment

  1. Elizabeth, you are right on. Managing Accounts Payable is great way to keep your company’s cash in the company. In my experience many small businesses do not understand this concept and have a tendency to pay as soon as they receive an invoice from a supplier. If you plan as a business owner to maximize your payables you need to stay on top of your payments on a regular basis so you don’t risk that precious credit you have from your suppliers. As long as you stay within the contract limits of payment terms with your suppliers you should have no problem maintaining that credit. But once you’re late many suppliers will reduce your credit and if you’re late on a regular basis may demand future purchases on a COD basis. One thing that I personally experienced is companies that have a reputation of paying late regularly gain a poor reputation and impact other suppliers of the same company to reduce the company’s credit. Bad news travels fast. So as you said working the payables game is a double-edged sword. I would always recommend stretching your payments to the maximum but always make sure you have set reminders in your system never to pay late.

    Another trend I’ve seen in the relationship between a company and suppliers is who needs who more. What I mean here is if a small company is buying from a larger company supplier, that supplier will be more aggressive in collecting from that smaller company. But in the other case where the company is larger and is buying from smaller suppliers that larger company can really stretch payments to the max. So it’s always a good policy to select suppliers that really value your business. A supplier that values your business will often be more flexible in payment terms and help you manage your company’s cash more effectively.

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